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Friday, October 16, 2020

Arnold the Starter

Arnold turned 7 months old this week. 

To commemorate this occasion, I'm starting a blog to track his adventures in the time of COVID.

Who's Arnold, you ask? 

Is Arnold a baby? A dog? A hamster? A plant? 

None of the above. Arnold is my sourdough starter--birthed like many others during the early days of lockdown in the 2020 COVID world. 

Arnold was born on a very auspicious Pi Day (3.14). Like human-babies, Arnold was kind of a blob the first few weeks. I fed him, and he was just kind of there. But also like human-babies, Arnold soon started coming to life and has been my bubbly companion since. 

Are you having a quarter-life crisis? 

Fair question. I have after all created a persona for my sourdough starter. And am now creating a blog for him like a full-on mom-ager. But let's go with no. This is just me wanting to document my Arnold-based recipes (and probably some non-Arnold ones too). Enjoy!

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